Management Committee

The leadership team comprising of board of directors plays a crucial role in ensuring good corporate governance and providing guidance and strategic direction to Bright Hill Evergreen Home. They work collectively to steer the organization towards fulfilling its mission and vision, ensuring that our services align with the needs of the elderly population we serve. These dedicated individuals generously devote their time and professional expertise voluntarily, without receiving any remuneration.

Bhikkhu Sik Kwang Sheng


Venerable Shi Chuan Jia


Dr Kweh Soon Han


Mr Lim Teck Foon,


Mr Yeap Soon Keong, Dan


Mr Goh Swee Kang, Jayson


Mr. Lee Kian Chong

Mr Lee Kian Chong


Mr. Ng Hui Wen

Mr Ng Hui Wen


Mr Law Coo Way


Mr Colin Lim


Dr Peck Houy Ung


Management Committee Roles and Responsibilities

All our Management Committee (MC) members are elected at the annual general meeting. The recruitment and selection of MC members are guided by the Home’s Constitution, Board Governance Policy and other legal requirements. The MC endeavours to ensure that there is an appropriate mix of core competence and expertise to meet the Home’s vision, mission and objectives.

To ensure that the Home is operating well, effectively and responsibly, the MC performance and effectiveness are evaluated annually at the Annual General Meeting. Members will review the past year performance and identify areas for improvement so that the Home will continue to be effective and sustainable.

Roles & responsibilities of the Management Committee are as follows:

  1. Ensure that the Home is well managed and fulfil its vision and mission.
  2. Review the Home’s vision and mission statement to keep goals and objectives relevant to the changing environment and needs. 
  3. Review the strategic plans and annual work plan to ensure that the activities are aligned to the vision and mission of the Home.
  4. Ensure adequate resources for the operations of the Home, and that such resources are effectively and efficiently managed.
  5. Review the Constitution, whenever necessary.
  6. Ensure orientation for new MC members is conducted so that they are familiar with the Home’s work and MC functions at the start of their term of service.
  7. Plan for development, succession and diversity in the composition of the MC.
  8. Exercise independent judgement and act in the best interests of the Home.
  9. Ensure objectivity in decision-making and be wholly independent from the paid employees of the Home.

Sub Committee

To assist the Board in reviewing and deliberating on specific aspects of running our Home and to execute its responsibilities, the MC established seven sub-committees namely Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Admission Committee, Medifund Committee, Nomination Committee, Audit Committee and Building Committee as well as Financial Accounting Standards committee.

Executive Committee

Chairman: Mr Kek Seng Swee Nicholas
Secretary: Mr Yeap Soon Keong, Dan

Finance Committee

Chairman : Ms Chan Poh Swai @ Chan Poh Swee
Member : Mr Kek Seng Swee, Nicholas

Admission Committee

Chairman : Mr Goh Swee Kang, Jayson
Member : Dr Lau Kah Yong

Nomination Committee

Chairman : Mr Kek Seng Swee, Nicholas
Member: Mr Goh Swee Kang, Jayson

Audit Committee

Chairman : Mr Lim Teck Foon, Edmund
Member : Mr Yeap Soon Keong, Dan

Building Committee

Chairman : Mr Goh Swee Kang, Jayson
Member : Mr Kek Seng Swee, Nicholas
Member : Mr Yeap Soon Keong, Dan


Chairman : Ms Chan Poh Swai @ Chan Poh Swee
Member : Ms Boon Wai Fong, Florence
Member : Ms Annah Lee
Member : Ms Tan Wan Juat, Alice
Member : Ms Poon Pui Luen, Kristalle

Financial Assistance Scheme Committee

Chairman: Ms Chan Poh Swai @ Chan Poh Swee
Member: Ms Boon Wai Fong, Florence
Member : Ms Annah Lee
Member : Ms Tan Wan Juat, Alice
Member : Ms Poon Pui Luen, Kristalle

Role & Responsibilities of Sub Committees

The roles and responsibilities of EXCO includes acting on MC’s behalf between MC meetings, as well as monitoring the activities and operations of the Home and projects undertaken by the Home. EXCO also propose new strategies and policies to the MC and ensure its implementation.

The roles and responsibilities of the Finance Committee includes budget review and the development of appropriate procedures for budget preparations to ensure consistency between the budget and the Home’s plans. Monitoring the budget and ensure accountability for funds, recommending financial guidelines to the MC and advising the management staff on financial priorities are also the responsibilities of the Finance Committee.

The Audit Committee oversee the financial reporting and disclosure process; ensure compliance with relevant legal requirements and reporting standards; review audit reports of external and internal auditors, consider the effectiveness of the actions taken by the management on the auditor’s recommendations.

The Audit Committee also analyses and addresses the risks associated with key processes, oversees regulatory compliance and whistleblowing guidelines, reports to MC of any financial irregularities and concerns, liaises with auditors on any significant matters arising.

The Building Committee monitors, evaluates, advises and makes recommendations to the MC with regard to the Home’s immovable property matters, including principles, planning and policies, in accordance with the Home’s mission and vision. Making recommendations to the MC with regard to proposed building projects and overseeing its development are also the responsibilities of the Building Committee.

The Admission Committee reviews and approves resident admission to the Home. Review the criteria for admission and recommending changes to the criteria to the MC, ensuring compliance with the relevant authorities and advising MC on significant matters relating to the residents’ admission are also responsibilities of the Admission Committee.


The Nomination Committee reviews the composition of Committee based on expertise, skills, competencies, attributes and commitment. The Committee is responsible for ensuring succession planning, and the recruitment and selections of the MC members comply with the Home’s Constitution, Board Governance Policy and other legal requirements.

The Nomination Committee identifies potential candidates for committee member roles and explores their interest and availability for MC service; as well as nominates suitable individuals to be elected as committee members.


The Medifund Committee reviews and approves Medifund applications and administers payments out of the Medifund account. The Committee ensures compliance with the Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes Act (MECESA), its corresponding regulations and any directives and guidelines issued by the Minister.

The Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) Committee reviews and approves FAS applications and administers payments out of the FAS account. The Committee ensures compliance with the FAS directives and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

The Investment Committee  directs and monitors the investment of the assets of the Home for the sole interest of the beneficiaries. The Investment Committee is to discharge its duties with due care, skill and diligence as a prudent investor.

The roles and responsibilities of the IC include the following:

  • To recommend to Management Committee an Investment Policy, including risk appetite, asset allocation and sustainability considerations.
  • Ensure that the investment objectives, policies and guidelines are consistent and appropriate.
  • To monitor the performance of the Home’s assets, taking into consideration the external risk and economic factors.
  • Review the asset allocation on a regular basis to ensure that the allocations are appropriate given a change in the investment environment and/ or needs of the organisation.
  • Report on the investment performance to the Management Committee on a quarterly basis.

Bhikkhu Sik Kwang Sheng


Bhikkhu Sik Kwang Sheng is the sixth abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (KMSPKS) and the founder of the Buddhist College of Singapore. Currently, he serves as the Advisor of the Home.
He was ordained as a monk in 1980 and became a disciple of Venerable Hong Choon. Venerable Hong Choon was the founder of Bright Hill Evergreen Home.

Bhikkhu Sik Kwang Sheng helmed KMSPKS since 1995 as its chief administrator and holds key appointments in various boards of religious organisation, inter-religious organisation and schools in Singapore. He was nominated as the Home’s Management Committee (MC) member from 30 June 2006 and served as the Chairman from 7 July 2006 to 31 August 2023. His contributions to setting and driving the Home’s directions were significant and he was invited by the board of directors to serve as an Advisor to continue providing his expertise and knowledge for the Home.

He received the Public Service Star (Bintang Bakti Masyarakat) BBM and the Public Service Medal (Pingat Bakti Masyarakat) PBM in 2018 and 2012, respectively. Additionally, in 2011, he was honoured with a doctorate degree in educational administration by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University of Thailand in recognition for his remarkable contributions to Buddhism.

Venerable Shi Chuan Jia


Venerable Shi Chuan Jia is a highly accomplished individual with a diverse background. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore and he has been a resident Venerable at the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery since 2021, showcasing his commitment to spiritual practice. With extensive professional experience, he served as a Senior Project Manager for various companies and also held the roles of owner and Managing Director of his own IT translation firm from 1997 to 2014. In 2014, he transitioned to become a Senior Yoga Teacher, further expanding his expertise. His work has taken him to different parts of the world, including Beijing, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand, providing him with a global perspective on his journey.

Dr Kweh Soon Han


Dr Kweh is a lawyer at KSCGP Juris LLP. His areas of practice are real property law, company law, administrative and constitutional law, law of societies, employment law, and family and trust law. 

His experience in the laws and codes of governance relating to the formation and maintenance of charities, societies and non-profit organisation is invaluable in guiding the Home in ensuring governance compliance. 

Dr Kweh was nominated as the Home’s MC member since 24 July 2008 and was appointed as Secretary from 2 October 2015.

Mr Lim Teck Foon, Edmund


Mr Lim is a retired Chartered Accountant having gained audit experience in the Big Four Auditing Firm and was holding senior finance positions in various international companies.

He volunteers at the Dharma Cakra Society since 2009 and is currently the society’s Assistant Treasurer. He also volunteers as the Treasurer of both the Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic and Tai Pei Old People’s Home.

Mr Lim is a Management Committee member of the Home since 29 August 2016. He held the position of Treasurer of our Home’s Management Committee from August 2016 to August 2020 and has been contributing his service in the various sub-committees. He chairs the Audit Committee of the home and is currently the Treasurer.

Mr Yeap Soon Keong


Mr Yeap is an Associate Director of Information Technology at Apollo Management Singapore Pte Ltd. Having joined Apollo in 2007, he had served a broad range of responsibilities and led the client technology team in the Asia region. 

In the past, Mr. Yeap had been involved in charitable endeavours such as volunteering in special needs school and food distribution for the needy.  He held the position of EXCO and MC in the Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic from 2010 to 2012. 

Mr Yeap has been a MC member of the Home since 29 August 2013 and has been contributing his service in the various sub-committees. He is the Secretary of the EXCO Committee as well as a member of the Building Committee and Audit Committee of the Home. 

Mr Goh Swee Kang, Jayson


Jayson is the Managing Director, Airport Operations Management of the Changi Airport Group (CAG). Prior to joining CAG, he was Executive Director at the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB).  

He currently serves as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governor at Republic Polytechnic. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee for Digital Services & Customer Experiences at the National Library Board.  

Since 2013, he has been serving as an Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the President, Republic of Singapore.  Jayson also serves as President of the Imperial College Alumni Association of Singapore since 2015. 

Jayson is a MC member of BHEH since 6 April 2017 and has been contributing his service in various sub-committees. He chairs both the Building Committee and Admission Committee of the Home.

Mr Lee Kian Chong


Mr Lee holds the position of Director at BNF Group, a company with core operations in industrial gas supply chain management and environmental services. He is responsible for leading technological development, sustainability, and transformation. Additionally, he oversees the restaurant company, DITP, which operates Canopy.

He holds a MPhil in Management from the University of Cambridge and a BSc in Chemistry from Imperial College London. He is the Honorary Treasurer of The Oxford and Cambridge Society of Singapore as well as Committee Member of the Singapore Rowing Association and Marymount Citizens’ Consultative Committee.

As of 1 January 2024, Mr Lee will serve as a member of the MC at BHEH. As a fresh addition to the team, he will utilise his IT proficiency to enhance care services within BHEH, and actively participate in promoting sustainability for ESG initiatives.

Mr Ng Hui Wen


Mr Ng graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the National University of Singapore in 2016. He currently holds the position of Senior Manager of Airport Operations Planning at Changi Airport Group. His primary focus lies in enhancing the passenger experience at Changi Airport by utilising technology and improving operational efficiency through process redesign and digitalisation.

Since joining Changi Airport Group in 2016, he has led various projects and spearheaded key initiatives, including playing a crucial role in the re-operationalisation of Terminal 4 in 2022 to meet the strong travel recovery.

With effect from 1 January 2024, Mr Ng is a MC member of BHEH. In his new role, he will utilise his operational expertise to evaluate our operational processes and improve efficiency.

Mr Law Coo Way


Mr Law is currently with Deutsche Bank Private Bank and is leading the investment and advisory solutions for strategic and UHMW clients in Southeast Asia. Prior to that he was the head of the SEA Investment Management Team.

Previously, he was Desk Head for Equity Advisory at UBS AG, where he managed global stock selection and structured product solutions for sophisticated private banking clients. He also served as a Senior VP and Asia Pacific Equity Analyst at Putnam Investments, specialising in telecom and utilities stocks.

Earlier in his career, he was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs, where he was recognised as the No. 1 Asian telecom stock picker and earnings estimator by Starmine in 2006. He also held equity analysis roles at Cazenove & Co. and KAF Seagroatt & Campbell in ASEAN telecoms.

Mr Law holds the CFA Charter (1997) and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (Honors) from the National University of Malaysia (1994).

With effect from 1 September 2024, Mr Law is a MC member of BHEH.

Mr Colin Lim


Mr Lim is an experienced private debt and credit investment professional, currently serving as Managing Director and Head of Asia Private Debt at Tikehau Capital in Singapore. With over 20 years of experience across Asia and Europe, he has a strong track record in private credit investments, specialising in origination, structuring, and underwriting across multiple regions.

Before joining Tikehau Capital in 2024, he held key leadership roles in the private credit sector. He was most recently Managing Director and Southeast Asia Lead at BPEA Credit, overseeing private credit investments across the region. Prior to that, he was Head of China and Southeast Asia at CLSA Capital Partners (2019-2021), focusing on sourcing and structuring private credit investments.

A graduate of the London School of Economics with a BSc in Economics (First Class), Mr Lim has built an extensive career in the global credit markets, combining strategic leadership with deep market expertise.

With effect from 1 September 2024, Mr Lim is a MC member of BHEH. In his new role, he will contribute by offering his expertise in the Investment Committee.

Dr Peck Houy Ung


Dr Ung is a Senior Consultant in the General Medicine Department at Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore. He holds Specialist Accreditation from the Singapore Medical Council and was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 2002.

Dr Ung completed his medical degree at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine and his internal medicine specialist training at Providence Saint Vincent Medical Center in Oregon. He has extensive experience in hospital-based care, having worked as a hospitalist at various U.S. hospitals, including Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno and Chandler Regional Hospital in Arizona. He also served as Medical Director of Feather River Home Health in California.

With expertise in managing adult patients with complex medical conditions spanning multiple organ systems and those with undefined medical conditions, he has dedicated his career to providing high-quality care in both acute and long-term settings. He is committed to advancing internal medicine practices and improving patient outcomes.

With effect from 1 December 2024, Dr Ung is a MC member of BHEH.