Whistle Blowing Policy

Bright Hill Evergreen Home is committed to high standards of integrity, strong corporate governance and an open and transparent culture. All employees, residents and their family members, volunteers, donors, vendors and any other stakeholders who have concerns about suspected serious misconduct or any breach or suspected breach of law or regulation that may adversely impact the Home are encouraged to come forward and raise their concerns.

​The whistle-blower should report concerns to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In the case where the CEO is being implicated, the whistle-blower should report directly to the Chairman.

Report filed should be specific and as detailed as possible.

It may be sent by:

  1. Email: whistleblowing@bheh.org
  2. Post: In a sealed envelope and attention to CEO or Chairman, c/o Bright Hill Evergreen Home, 100 Punggol Field Singapore 828811, and marked “Private and Confidential”

Assessment of the concern or information shall be made with due consideration given to the following factors:

  • Seriousness of the concern raised
  • The credibility of the concern or information given

An investigation will be conducted, depending on the nature of the concern or information raised, we may contact the whistle-blower for further information during the course of the investigation.

​The Management Committee will review the investigation findings and necessary actions will be taken after the review.