Skill-Based Volunteer




We are always on a lookout for talented individuals to support us in our work! If you are exploring to expand your network, hoping to develop meaningful relationships in the community, and have an interest to hone your professional skills in a social service setting. We warmly welcome you to create social impact with us!

Here are some areas you can contribute in:

For residents:

  • Beauty & Grooming (eg; hair grooming – haircut, perm, dye, massage AND manicure)
  • Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy support

For organisation:

  • Ad hoc administrative/event support
  • Content writer
  • Social media marketing
  • Graphic design
  • Videography/photography
  • Volunteer leader/intern
  • Volunteer intern
  • Translation work

Currently we need:

  • Volunteer leaders
  • Translation work
  • Videography/photography creator
  • Manicurist (no experience is welcomed)
  • Hair stylist (for hairdye. No experience is welcomed)

We need you! To register your interest, kindly download our volunteer form and we will get back to you in 1-2 working days.

As a new volunteer, you will go through an orientation and induction programme as per our Volunteer Management policy. Rest assured that we would give you the necessary guidance and assistance during you volunteering journey with us, and we will make the journey as fruitful and enjoyable as possible.

For more information, you may write to us at